meeting God: no steeple required

A video series pairing the beauty of creation with wisdom from the Scriptures
so we can reflect on life, faith and our relationships with God.


Long time, no write

To read this blog you would think it's been since January that we've done anything with aCross Creation. But no, no, no, no that is not in anyway true. Since January of 2011 we have...

1. Filmed in New Orleans
2. Self-published our first three volumes of the small group curriculum
3. Filmed in Hawaii (what a tough gig!)
4. Sold 170 discs or so to 60 or more churches
(anyone can buy them at, spread the word!)
5. Filmed in San Fransisco
6. Kept our paying jobs and families relatively intact

So you will forgive me for not updating the blog so regularly? yes? Thanks.

Here's a picture from one San Fransisco shoot. I'll try in the next few weeks to give you more glimpses into the past few months.

Greg gets a close up of the fresh Tuna for sale
We filmed at Pillar Point Harbor as I talked about Jesus telling the disciples they would "be catching people." We couldn't talk about fishermen without having a real fisherman in the shot! So Greg made friends with this guy and we filmed on his boat. He was so nice to let us and even acted a little to get the footage we wanted. It's amazing what people will say yes to when you have a camera in hand.

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