meeting God: no steeple required

A video series pairing the beauty of creation with wisdom from the Scriptures
so we can reflect on life, faith and our relationships with God.


Crested Butte, Day Two

July 9, 2010

On Friday both of our filming locations were much nearer to Crested Butte than the day before so we started later, at the humane hour of 7:30 a.m. First stop was a place called the "Nordic Center" where Sherry Mikesell and her daughter Julie had earlier scouted out wonderful wildflowers. Crested Butte is the Wildflower capital of Colorado and mid-July is when the flowers are at their peak. Sherry also brought along two different wildflower books so she and Anita and I could entertain ourselves identifying all the different flowers we saw. And we saw a lot: lupine, columbine, showy daisy, paintbrush, chiming bells, harebell, wild geranium, cinquefoil, fairy trumpet, primrose, one sided penstemmon and others I can't even remember right now. The diversity was amazing.

As we searched out the best show of flowers it took over an hour for Greg and I to decide where to shoot each scene, probably the longest "prep" time we've ever taken. Thankfully our crew is so patient! I am satisfied we captured the beauty of the flowers and created a great back drop for Jesus' words, "Consider the lilies of the field."

There was quite a bit of foot traffic on the path through the field which made for many interruptions but also generated interest in the project. People see a video camera and they want to know what is going on! Since I am usually otherwise occupied, it falls to the film crew to explain aCross Creation to curious parties. The crew must be good at describing the ministry because often persons want to know when and where they can see the episodes. Of course I had no business cards with me on the trip so we had to scratch out addresses and email on any scrap of paper we could find. We have decided for our next trip to make up some large cards that explain the project and also give contact information. The interest people continue to show for the concept of aCross Creation is a huge encouragement to me.

After finishing with the wonderful wildflowers, we headed back to the Mikesell's house in Mount Crested Butte for lunch and to prepare for our last filming location.

It wasn't a terribly far drive up to Paradise Divide that afternoon but it was a touch sketchy with the dirt road, large rocks and a sheer drop down the mountain on one side. The higher we climbed the happier Greg became driving his AWD Subaru. At one point Kendall Mikesell, our fearless guide, stopped and we all jumped out of the car to see the amazing view, only to find out that we weren't there yet. There was more beauty to come! When we reached the top of Paradise Divide it was stunning in all directions.

Without consulting me (no surprise) Greg decided to try something new for our last shoot.
During lunch he put the numbers 1-6 in a hat and had members of the film crew draw a number out. Each person then got to "direct" the corresponding scene at Paradise Divide. At first I was a little miffed at suddenly having 6 bosses instead of one, but they all turned out to be great directors, choosing their spot and framing each scene with great care.

By this point in the trip everyone knew the routine and things were more relaxed than the first morning at Mirror Lake. Perhaps too relaxed. At one point Greg said, "Quiet on the set" and I looked over to see Janet and Anita with their hands high in the air holding the "QUIET" signs as they leaned in and talked earnestly to each other. The contrast was too much for me and I started laughing and kept laughing to the point of tears. Obviously we had to wait for me to compose myself before continuing on.

The weather proved to be perfect all day (a welcome change after being snowed out in Sedona in February and almost frozen out at Westcliffe last November). After the shoot we had plenty of time to drive over the mountain toward Gothic and to hike to a waterfall before returning to Crested Butte for a celebratory dinner.

This proved to be a pretty challenge free trip for aCross Creation. A small portion of that might be that we know a little more what we are doing. A larger portion of it is due to luck on the weather and the ease of such beautiful surroundings. But the biggest reason, I think, is because of eight dedicated, creative, patient, intelligent, flexible, inspiring crew members who believe in this ministry and the people it will touch.

Thanks for your support as well, in prayer and encouragement.
Feel free to pass on this blog address to anyone you think might be interested.
The first week of August we head to Oregon for more filming, watch for updates!


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